
No time??

Many of us have so many things to do in a day we feel there is no time to get everything done.
That's were making a list comes in very handy. Listing the top priority items first and working your way down makes accomplishing them a little easier and less stressful.
I hear some people say they don't try to make time for themselves because of their busy schedule. To me that is an excuse. We have to set time aside for ourselves to regroup or just relax "from our busy life".
 Making a daily list of priorities not only helps you stay organized it also can be an eye opener of things you originally thought were important turned out not so important. In turn freeing up your time for yourself. 
Painting and Drawing is what I love to do and with a full time job I find making a list of my daily priorities helps free up time to do what I love to do.
Try it out! You might be surprised at how much free time you have. 


Horse Head Study

Always practicing.....The horse is the hardest animal to draw in my opinion.


Practice, Practice, Practice

We are all good at something, riding a bike, drawing, playing guitar,etc.... I think you get my point. These abilities didn't just fall in our laps, we had to practice and practice. If anyone ever thinks they will never be good at that one thing they want to do, they are wrong.

When you were little and you were first riding a bike, did you just hop on and take off without falling? NO. It took a few falls, and crashes before you could ride without falling, and what was the one thing it took for you to ride the bike without falling? PRACTICE! 

No matter what you strive to be good at just remember "practice makes perfect".


Random Sketch